Mariola Rosser

Mariola Rosser
Associate Director of Practice
School: Milken Institute School of Public Health
She brings 20 years of experience in social learning, system convening and building communities of practice in education and school behavioral health. Currently, she coordinates the DC School Behavioral Health Community of Practice (DC CoP) focused on improving provider and school readiness in implementing a multi-tiered model of school based mental health prevention, early intervention, and treatment services.
Previously, Dr. Rosser worked at the National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) supporting several projects, the National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) and the IDEA Partnership. She provided Technical Assistance to states on improving the social and emotional outcomes for young children and their families and the graduation rates for students with disabilities. She was also involved in building cross-system capacity in states and co-facilitating national communities of practice (CoPs) around school behavioral health and transition from school to college and career. Dr. Rosser holds a Master Degree in Therapeutic Pedagogy (Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw, Poland) and Doctorate in Special Education (George Washington University, Washington, DC).